The Ministry of Reconciliation

“We live in a connected world… We also live in an isolated world…

Relationships are a basic need in people’s lives… God saw this early on in humanity, “It is not good for man to be alone…”

God’s called every believer to a ministry of Reconciliation to the most important relationship we could ever have… with Jesus Christ.

And I love how it says it: “that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.” … Everything we have known is reversed… literally death is consumed by life, all we have seen in this physical world is life consumed by death… But when we die, our death is consumed by true life!!!

Now that we have been reconciled, God is calling us to take what we have received, and give others a chance to receive it as well… We are not trying to lead other’s to a place we have not been before…

“He died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised…” When we come to Christ our lives are no longer our own, but Christ’s… This is what it means for Him to be Lord! Everyone wants a Savior, but a Lord is another subject… In the end He takes far better care of our lives the we ourselves…

Christ not only came to save us but transform us… We “become the righteousness of God,” we not only receive it externally, but it becomes a characteristic within us…

God has called each and every one of us to both; be reconciled to Christ, and to reconcile others to Christ…”


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