Eternal Life

“The exclusivity of truth is a hard truth… If something is true it means something else is not… Water is wet…

If Jesus was anything less than the Messiah John’s ministry would have kept growing…

Jesus has come from Heaven and Jesus alone is the greatest person to ever live…

We have an eternal loving Father that wants us to live in an active relationship with Him, this is why Jesus came along with the desire to honor and bring glory to the Father… and this eternal God wants to give us eternal life, and to those that receive Him it’s there’s for the receiving… but for those that reject God they are choosing to forfeit eternal life for eternal damnation…

Jesus has come and is speaking to us and yet is rejected… Just because others will reject Him, don’t let that be said of you…

There is an infinite power in the words of Christ… When we believe it within our actions and words we can see it’s truth lived out within our lives…

Jesus’ power and authority are without limit…

This is the most important thing you will ever hear…
• If you believe in Him (put your faith and trust) in Him you can have eternal life with Jesus…

• But if we don’t believe in Him, we remain under the judgement of God for our OWN sins…

There is an opportunity in front of you… many people may be missing it within their own lives… Don’t you miss this. Don’t miss it just because others may see it as junk… this message is not junk; it’s eternal life…”


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