A Kingdom not of the Coerced

“Jesus cleaned him out, but he hasn’t yet invited Him into his life… when God does a work in our lives the enemy doesn’t quit, but tries to return to us…

When people experience God in powerful ways and yet do not invite Him in, they harden themselves against the moving of the Holy Spirit within their hearts…

Jesus isn’t going to force us to believe… no matter how powerful the move of God we have a choice…

Our kingdom is not a kingdom of the coerced…

The throne of God is established in love… within our hearts it’s established in love, not by force… God desires that we love Him… in that love we live within Him kingdom…

He knocks at the door… but does not kick it in…

Satan doesn’t quit going after us… So to, God doesn’t quit going after us…

Has God moved within your life… Praise God… How have you responded to that moving? Will you invite Him in…

Let us make it a part of our prayer life, not only that people would experience the love of God, but invite Him in…

God deepen your love in me, establish your kingdom in a greater way within my life…”


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